The Weitz Construction Academy
at Seminole Ridge High School

The Weitz Construction Academy at Seminole Ridge High School is a certified, National Career Academy Coalition program designed for students seeking a career in the construction industry upon graduation and for students desiring to obtain a post-secondary degree in construction-related fields. The students receive construction skills training, OSHA construction safety training, job-site work experience, and they plan, develop, and produce real-world construction projects.

The Academy has approximately 150 students, freshman to seniors, and works in close partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County to build a modular house on campus, with a goal to deliver 1 home per year. Habitat provides the building lot, foundation, and all of the construction materials. 

We extend our gratitude to the generous funders who made this program possible.
  • The School District of Palm Beach County
  • Weitz Construction
  • Town of Palm Beach United Way
  • The Mary Alice Fortin Foundation
  • The Walter & Adi Blum Foundation
  • The Hamilton Family Foundation
  • The William & Helen Thomas Charitable Trust
  • State Farm Insurance

The students complete house modules up through finished interiors, including electrical, plumbing, insulation, and finished drywall.  Windows and doors are installed and the exterior walls clad with a building wrap membrane to make them dry for transporting.  The Academy also builds the roof with trusses, and all components are delivered to the jobsite where Habitat’s staff and volunteers will take over to finish the project.

Once the house is complete and certificate of occupancy is issued, a Habitat partner family purchases the home with an affordable 30 year, interest-free mortgage issued by Habitat.

Construction Academy Habitat For Humanity
donationDonation Pickup