Court-Related Community Service Policy

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County offers a unique partnership for individuals who are seeking to demonstrate responsibility and accountability to fulfill your Court Related Community Service. In order to assure a positive experience for both Staff and Volunteers, please read the following policy, program requirements and responsibilities.

  • Volunteers must be 18 years or older
  • Must have a 20-hour minimum assignment to complete
  • May only complete their community service hours at any of our ReStores or Thrift store (no construction site opportunities available)
  • Must request letter of completion of hours at least 5 days prior to needing the letter
  • Felonies
  • Internet crimes
  • Acts of violence
  • Theft-related crimes
  • Sex-related crimes
  • Sale or trafficking of illegal drugs
Step 1: Send a scan or picture of the following documents to [email protected]
  • Photo ID
  • Court paperwork with the charge, case number, and your name (must be the same name as your photo ID).
Step 2: The Volunteer Department will notify you of acceptance or denial. If accepted, the next steps will be explained: how to register, track your hours, and request a letter of completion. *Please note response from the Volunteer Department could take up to 5 business days*

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