Habitat Volunteer Beacon of Light: Ann and Charlie

A personal tragedy led Ann and Charlie Fix to decades of volunteer services in support of members of their community who are without homes. A fire destroyed their home many years ago and as they stood on the street and watched their house and all their possessions burn to the ground, they understood what it means to be homeless. That night led to their commitment to helping others own a home and to teach new homeowners how to take care of their homes.

Married 57 years, Charlie has this advice for young couples: “Buy a house. The quicker you can get into a house, the better off you’ll be.”

Ann adds, “Save for your retirement so you can retire young, and enjoy life together.” 

Ann and Charlie’s 1st home in Pompano cost $18,000; Charlie was a police officer and Ann a banker. Since grade school, Ann was interested in home construction, and Charlie has always been handy around the house and making repairs to their home – although Ann now tells Charlie he’s too old to be climbing on roofs! 

Teaching New Homeowners
Charlie and Ann take pride in teaching new Habitat homeowners what they need to know to maintain a home, and then watching them take care of their own home. At no cost, Charlie is proud to teach new homeowners how to shut off the water line if there’s a leak and other basic home repairs. 

Be Like Ann and Charlie!
By volunteering with the South Palm Beach County #HabitatforHumanity, you can be a part of the change you want to see in your community. Get Involved! and learn about our volunteer opportunities near you.

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