Habitat Volunteer Beacon of Light: John

Volunteer Beacon of Light: John

“As a former teacher, I believe that one of the strongest things you can do for children is to provide them with a safe environment, and a home certainly does that.”

This month we’re pleased to introduce you to ReStore volunteer John. John is a former school teacher and administrator from New York Citay, and at 75 has been volunteering at Habitat for nearly 10 years. Habitat SPBC ReStore is a home improvement thrift store and donation center with two convenient locations in Boca Raton and Delray Beach, Florida. 

In The Right Place, At The Right Time
John discovered Habitat when a truck pulled up in front of his building, and he asked the driver if they take volunteers. The driver sent John to Habitat, where he talked to the manager, completed an apllication and waited for their call – and was soon working at the Delray Beach ReStore.
It’s a Win-Win Situation For the Whole Comminity 
John puts the things that are donated by the community out on the shelves for sale, and that money goes to purchase building materials for houses for the comminty. 

John envisions Habitat as a circle:

  • The community contributes the items
  • ​We sell the items
  • Folks build the houses from the proceeds we raise at ReStore

It’s a win-win situation for the whole community. 

A Way of Paying Forward
John finds it personally gratifying to be able give back to the community. John says he is in pretty good health physically and financially, so he’s in a position to pay it forward. Volunteering gives him an opportunity to continue to service people.

John’s parents taught him that what goes around comes around. He’s very happy to be a Habitat SPBC volunteer with the “whole crew.”

Love Thy Neighbor As Yourself
If you’re a high school student, a college student, a retiree or someone who’s still working but would like to give back to the community, John says:

“I strongly recommend that you look into the opportunity that Habitat provides. Thank you very for the opportunity to serve here, and to be a part of an organization that is truly fulfilling the adage, Love thy neighbor as yourself.”

Do You Want to Pay It Forward? Volunteer at Habitat SPBC!
When you volunteer with South Palm Beach County #HabitatforHumanity, you can become part of the change you want to see in your community. Get Involved! and learn about our volunteer opportunities. ​

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